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Inguna Adoviča: “The operational tasks of the State Agency of Medicines is a marathon, but they require a sprint-like concentration of resources and skills“


Inguna Adoviča: “The operational tasks of the State Agency of Medicines is a marathon, but they require a sprint-like concentration of resources and skills“

On 2 November 2015 was the last day of employment of Inguna Adoviča as the Director of the State Agency of Medicines (SAM). The State Agency of Medicines highly appreciates her professionalism and the honesty of her work and her contribution to ensure that the medicines in Latvia are effective, qualitative and safe, as well as to establish the State Agency of Medicines as an equal to other medicines agencies in Europe.

ZVA direktore Inguna Adoviča

Inguna Adoviča began working at SAM in 1998 as the Head of the Clinical Trial Inspection Department. She has established and expanded the clinical trials department by structuring and strengthening the field of clinical research in Latvia. In 2002 she became the Deputy Director, and in 2005 – the Director of SAM. Read more