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Pilot project for Electronic Package Information Leaflets (e-PIL)

State Agency of Medicines is launching a pilot project in collaboration with the medicines agencies in Lithuania and Estonia for use of electronic package information leaflets in healthcare institutions.

The objective of this project is to assess whether the use of electronic package information leaflets ensures safe use of medicines and whether their use could improve availability of medicines used in healthcare institutions.

The project is solely intended for medicines restricted for healthcare institution use administered by a healthcare professional only.

During the project, medicines for use in healthcare institutions will not have a printed package information leaflet inserted in the packaging, and information regarding their use will be available only electronically in the Medicinal Product Register on the State Agency of Medicines’ website

A list of medicinal products distributed in Latvia with an electronic package leaflet.

Frequently asked questions and answers regarding the pilot project for electronic package information leaflets may be viewed here.

The pilot project foresees that the medicinal products participating in the project may be distributed in all three Baltic states without a paper package leaflet starting from 1 January 2022. The pilot project will last until 31 December 2026 and the list of medicinal products may be supplemented according to the submitted applications.

A list of medicinal products distributed in Estonia with an electronic package leaflet is available here.

A list of medicinal products distributed in Lithuania with an electronic package leaflet is available here.