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Application of uniform quality management principles in European medicines agencies emphasized in Riga meeting


Application of uniform quality management principles in European medicines agencies emphasized in Riga meeting

On 2-3 June 2015 the meeting of the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) Working Group of Quality Managers (WGQM) took place in Riga, Latvia. The agenda of the meeting included implementation and ensuring of the uniform quality management principles in European medicines agencies.

Meeting participants — the quality managers of national medicines agencies in the European Economic Area countries and representatives of the European Commission and the European Medicines Agency — discussed the following issues: implementation of guidelines on conflict of interest mitigation, ensuring risk management approach in national medicines agencies and results of benchmarking (comparison of one entity (business or other organisation) to other entities and learning from the results of this comparison). The future activities for the next assessment cycle were also planned. The quality managers of European medicines agencies exchanged examples of best practices in quality management, which is a significant contribution to further operational improvement of medicines agencies. Ms Caitriona Fisher, the Manager of Chief Executive's Office and Quality Manager of the Health Products Regulatory Authority of Ireland, was re-elected as the Head of the Working Group for the next three-year period.

WGQM is the working group established by HMA whose main task is to support the quality management of the European Medicines regulatory framework system for public and animal health. The WGQM meetings are held every six months by the medicines agency of the current Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

More information on WGQM is available here.